HeartSpace Success Program

For Holistic Practitioners, Life Coaches, and Entrepreneurs


Heart Space business classes take an entrepreneurial approach to the holistic industry. In this program participants learn to launch, lead, and grow their businesses. We offer both self-paced courses and multi-week packages. The training modules include:


  • Abundant Success
  • Joyful Marketing
  • Heart-based Selling
  • Insightful Financials



Select From the Largest Group of Certification Programs in Orange County

Certification Programs

                                          Learning Paths



Certification Programs

 Energy Healer Certification

This a comprehensive certification program that will provide you with the knowledge and skills to be comfortable providing energetic healing to yourself and others in at least two energy healing modalities .  The course consists of other required classes and electives of your choice.  These classes will help you build a solid foundation of specific energy healing expertise and spiritual knowledge allowing you to be successful as professional practitioner.  Also included is instruction on professionalism and ethics that can help ensure your success.  You pick at least 2 Energy Healing Modalities (*) below, complete the other classes in this course and select your choice of electives consisting of a broad array of other classes at SMHAS.  Upon completion, you will have a well-rounded certified education in Energy Healing with two specialties.


  1. Intro to Energy Modalities
  2. Reiki*
  3. Theta Healing*
  4. Shamanism Fundamentals *
  5. Sound Healing*
  6. Hypnotherapy*
  7. Huna*
  8. Breathwork
  9. Auras
  10. Crystal Energy Healer Certification
  11. Essential Oils
  12. Self-Care for Healers
  13. The Professional Healer
  14. Plus Electives


Intro to Heartfelt Living Certification

This certification program was created for the person new to consciousness and spirituality who wants to have a broad introduction to several of fundamental facets.  Not only will you learn skills that you can put to use in everyday life immediately, but you will gain a well-rounded knowledge base of several modalities and their uses.  At the end of this course you will have educated views of what areas of interest you might have for deeper study.

  1. Intro to Energy
  2. Modalities and Terminology
  3. Measuring Truth
  4. Crystals
  5. Reiki I
  6. The Chakra System
  7. Essential Oils
  8. Limiting Beliefs
  9. Breathwork
  10. Meditation
  11. Automatic Writing
  12. Spiritual Philosophies
  13. Mediumship
  14. Sound Healing
  15. Plus Electives

Crystal Energy Healer Certification         Click for More Information

In this certification you will learn the names and meanings of crystals and their applications for energetic healing for the body. You will learn the properties of crystals and there uses in healing, clearing, manifestation…

  1. Crystals 101
  2. Crystals 202
  3. Crystals 303
  4. Cyrstalline Energy – 64 Rocks
  5. Meditation/Relaxation
  6. Crystals for 7 Chakras
  7. Law of Attraction

InnerLife Ministerial Certification                       Click for Full Description

There is no greater calling than of service to self and service to others. The greatest calling of service?  Serve the Spirit within you, how God knows you.  As you grow in connecting with your Spirit within, you become a brighter light to those around you. This course is opportunities to strengthen your inner connection and outer service expressions.

  1. Finding Your Genuine Self
    2. Where Do Your Beliefs Come From?
    3. The Universal Manager
    4. World Religions
    5. ACIM-Manual for Teachers
    6. Law of Attraction
    7. When The Golden Frame Breaks
    8. Forgiveness
    9. Addictions
    10. Truth Telling
    11. 50 Miracles of A Course in Miracles
    12. Death & Dying
    13. Functionality, Adaptability & Sustainability
    14. 5 Levels of Relationship


Intuitive Practitioner I Certification

This is a robust certification program that will give the student, upon completion, trust of self, trust of intuition, knowledge of verbiage used in the metaphysical community. Also you will gain confidence in giving readings with Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, and Claircognizance.  You will feel comfortable connecting with spirit guides and discerning truth with applied kinesiology and pendulums.

  1. Meditation
  2. Connecting with Spirit Guides
  3. Automatic Writing
  4. Clairs
  5. Pendulums and Kinesiology
  6. Plus Electives

Intuitive Practitioner II Certification

The prerequisite for the this certification program is the completion of Intuitive Practioner I.  In this Program you will learn mediumship, connecting with Angels and other energetic allies, more advanced connecting with guides and channeling, practicing reading others in a full experiential way culminating with a student intuitive faire at the end of the course where you have the ability to build your confidence and show your skills with clients who come to receive readings from you and other students in this course.

  1. Mediumship
  2. Connecting with Angels
  3. Advanced Connecting with Guides/Channeling
  4. Oracle Cards
  5. Professional Readings
  6. Student Intuitive Faire
  7. Plus Electives

InnerLife Spiritual Coach Certification               Click for Full Description

InnerLife Spiritual Coaching lays a path for you to discover the person God knows as you. It is about providing assistance through life’s many transitions.

Whether your clients are moving through personal transformation, working through tough patch’s in relationship, preparing for a wedding, losing their job, getting a new job, starting a family, or losing a loved one, there comes a time when everyone needs a Guide through life’s inner personal journey of decision.

InnerLife Spiritual Coach Training Course-Elements of Relationship- provides seven (7) classes lasting from 6 to 10 weeks each to prepare an individual for the privilege of providing the questions to which the client can find their own answers.

  1. Finding Your Genuine Self
    2.    Where DoYour Belief’s Come From?
    3.    World Religions
    4.    Law of Attraction
    5.    When The Golden Frame Breaks-Relationships
    6.    Forgiveness
    7.    Addictions
    8.    Truth Telling
    9.    Death & Dying
    10.  Functionality, Adaptability & Sustainability

Holistic Health Healer Certification

This certification program is designed for the student who wishes to become a Holistic Health Healer.  You will learn about nutrition, natural medicines, healing modalities and other natural healing techniques and arts that have been used for thousands of years.  This course will prepare you for providing holistic healing to yourself and others, confidently, with knowledge and skill.

  1. Herbal Medicine
  2. Medical Intuition
  3. Food as Medicine
  4. Sound Healing
  5. Breathwork
  6. Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction
  7. Essential Oils
  8. EFT
  9. Reflexology
  10. Dis-Ease
  11. Plus Electives


Expressive Arts Healer Certification

During your time in this course study you will be enhancing your creative abilities through various techniques using paint, pen, dreams, fung shui, and most importantly your personal imagination.

  1. Creative Writing
    2. Feng Shui
    3. Intuitive Painting
    4. Vision Boards
    5. Dreamwork
    6. Plus Electives

Advanced Reiki Energetic Healing Certification        Click for Full Description

Advanced Energetic Healing is about raising your energy vibration to a higher frequency. Bringing balance, harmony and healing to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body and if you choose, create a business and tailor it to your specific needs. Each class except for the Reiki I Certification you can charge a fee for.

Becoming an Advanced Energetic Healer will teach you how to reduce stress in the body and heal yourself and others. It will raise you personal energy vibration to a much higher level, bring personal and psychic growth and allow you to heal people hundreds of miles away or just around the corner. Reiki is world wide and is recognized as one of the most powerful forms of healing. All these classes will accelerate healing.

  1. Reiki I Certification
  2. Reiki II Certification
  3. Reiki Master Certification
  4. Advanced Reiki Techniques
  5. Aura Healing
  6. Karuna Reiki Master Certification
  7. Advanced EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
  8. Meditation

Learning Paths

Intuitive Development

  1. Connecting with Angels
    2. Automatic Writing
    3. Mediumship
    4. Channeling
    5. Connecting with Spirit Guides
    6. Pendulums, Kiniesiology
    8. Scrying
    9. Telekinesis
    10. Akashic Records
    11. Fairies & the Elemental Kingdom
    12. Crystals
    13. Chakras
    14. Psychometry
    15. Remote Viewing
    16. Dreamwork
    17. IChing

    18. Past Life Regression


Spiritual Development

  1. 1. A Course in Miracles
    InnerLife Spiritual Counselor Certification
    3. InnerLife Ministerial Certification
    4. Meditation
    5. Innerwork
    6. Law of Attraction
    7. Relationships
    8. Past Life Regression
    9. My Angels, My Guides, My Best Friends Certification Course


Creative Expression

  1. Creative Writing
    2. Feng Shui
    3. Intuitive Painting
    4. Vision Boards
    5. Dreamwork



Corporate Wellness

  1. Reiki
    2. Stress Reduction
    3. Kinesiology
    4. Meditation

    5. Automatic Writing

Holistic Health

  1. Herbal Medicine
    2. Medical Intuition
    3. Food as Medicine
    4. Sound Healing
    5. Reiki
    6. Breathwork
    7. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
    8. Essential Oils
    9. EFT
    10. Native American Healing Practices
    11. Reflexology
    12. Theta Healing
    13. Aura healing
    14. Crystal Healing
    15. Hypnosis Certification
    16, Plus Electives 



Introduction to Consciousness

  1. Meditation
    2. Law of Attraction
    3. Automatic Writing
    4. Metaphysical Concepts & Terminology
    5. Intuitive Painting
    6. Creative Writing
    7. Crystals
    8. Tools for Everyday Living
    9.  Advanced Tools for Everyday Living
    10. Master Tools for Everyday Living



Paradigm-Shifting Concepts

These classes are each focused on one or more major concepts that can immediately change the way you view life, your belief systems, your future and life after death.  These books are written with integrity that will elucidate their concepts easily to the those who have never considered them before.

  1. Journey of Souls by Newton – Lives Between Lives
    What if you picked your parents before you were born?  What if you planned the challenges you have faced and wil yet face in this lifetime?  Learn these answers and more, with significant evidence to boot!

  2. Power vs Force by Hawkins – Discover Truth and Calibrate It
    What if you could measure the truth of a book, a teaching, a religion?  What if you could determine if one supplement was better than another for you?

  3. Divine Matrix by Braden – Everything is connected

    Bridging Time, Space, Miracles and Belief, this concept explains how everything is connected and enough about quantum physics to help you see the world a whole, new way.
  1. Infinite Possibilities by Dooley- You Create Your Reality Every Day
    How intention and positive thinking actually work, and how it can change your life – today!

 The Celestine Prophecy

  1. The First Insight
  2. The First Insight Study Group
  3. The Second Insight
  4. The Second Insight Study Group
  5. The third Insight
  6. The third Insight Study Group
  7. The Fourth Insight
  8. The Fourth Insight Study Group
  9. The Fifth Insight
  10. The Fifth Insight Study Group
  11. The Sixth Insight
  12. The Sixth Insight Study Group
  13. The Seventh Insight
  14. The Seventh Insight Study Group
  15. The Eigth Insight
  16. The Eigth Insight Study Group
  17. The Ninth Insight
  18. The Ninth Insight Study Group


Conscious Parenting

  1. Family Constellations
  2. Meditation
  3. Intuitive Painting
  4. Mom child Touch
  5. Hahn Foundation Mindup Meditation®
  6. Vision Boards


Meditation –  Meditation is the process of relaxing to the degree that allows one to get benefits such as stress relief, deep rest, and over time allows one to quieten the mind enough to get in touch with your Higher Self, Guides, Angels and others. Many books have been written on the benefits of meditation to everyone and it is one of the fundamental building blocks of attaining higher consciousness. There are several kinds of meditation including guided mediation, meditation based upon breath and several others. All methods are extremely beneficial, especially to those new to raising their consciousness.

Automatic Writing – In an Automatic Writing class, one typically practices meditation to relax and feel connected to your inner self, and either during that meditation or just after, one begins writing whatever is on their mind without judging the words. Many people find that these words and information sound either slightly or greatly different that the way one would usually speak. With practice one can use this process as an excellent connection and method of obtaining guidance from your Guides, Angels and Spirit.


Reiki  – Reiki is a well-known Japanese BioEnergetic Therapy technique that is widely used in the Spiritual and Consciousness community and is now beginning to be accepted in hospitals and corporations. It is used for balancing the body, relieving stress, promoting relaxation and can promote healing. It is administered usually through the practitioners hands allowing energy to flow into the client. If one’s “energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. You become certified to give Reiki healing to others through certification classes, including Reiki I, Reiki II, and Reiki Master.


Crystal Healing – Crystal healing is an alternative healing technique that employs stones and crystals. Many people believe that crystals have healing powers.  One method is where the practitioner places crystals on different parts of the body, often corresponding to chakras or around the body in an attempt to construct an energy grid, which many believe surround the client with healing energy.


Mediumship – Mediumship is the art of connecting with the Spirits of people who have passed and being able to bring their messages to people who would like to hear them, many times family and other loved ones.


Channeling – Channeling is a process that allows one to move their present self aside and allow another Spirit or entity to speak through one’s voice. This is sometimes called trans-channeling or trance channeling. Some people who practice channeling can remember what was said when they were channeling or speaking the words, and other remember very little. It usually takes practice with mediation to learn to move one’s ego aside to allow the process to happen. One can channel their higher self as well as other spirits.


Essential Oils – Essential oils are concentrated hydrophobic liquids containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. An oil is “essential” in the sense that it contains the characteristic fragrance of the plant that it is taken from. There are many alternative healing techniques that can be learned that use essential oils in these classes.

Sound Healing – Sound Healing is a modality that uses sound and music to relax the body and mind, reduce stress, alter consciousness and provide a deep sense of peace. Classes teach different methods of using the power of sound to heal.

Intro to Hypnotherapy – Intro to Hypnotherapy classes will explain the science of hypnotherapy, its use for personal work as well as hypnosis as a profession, with the many things for which it can be used. Certification classes in Hypnotherapy are also offered.

Aura Classes – All living things as well as objects and places have an electrical field around them, usually 3 to 5 feet and many times much larger, called an aura.  Aura classes involve understanding the aura, its energy, its colors and how to clear or heal the aura, releasing energy blocks or unwanted energy, helping to create a healthier energy flow in the body.   Learn all about auras, how to read auras, how to see your aura, aura colors and what each aura color means.

Theta Healing – In the Theta Healing class you will learn it is a technique of spiritual philosophy focusing on thought and prayer. Theta Healing teaches how to put to use our natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator of All That Is to do the actual “work”. We believe by changing your brain wave cycle to include the “Theta” state, you can actually watch the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional healing.

The Chakra System – The Chakra System involves 7 major energy centers in the body with many more smaller chakras all over the body and outside of the body. The Chakra system is a fundamental concept in the understanding of how energy moves within the human body.

Huna – Huna classes emphasize practical living and harmony with three levels of consciousness or selves. Many who practice believe that a low, middle, and higher self were recognized by the kahunas. These selves were called the unihipili (subconscious, inner, emotional, intuitive), uhane(waking consciousness, rational) and aumakua (super-conscious, connection with the divine). Huna changes the Hawaiian concept of mana, (privileged as a divine power in traditional Hawaiian belief), and views it as a vitalizing life force, which can, with knowledge of the three selves, be used to heal the body and the mind and achieve its life goals.

Modalities and Terminology – This class explains quite a few of the many modalities of healing and provides a basic level of understanding of the commonly used terms used in alternative healing, consciousness, spirituality and quantum physics.

Peneulums, Applied Kinesiology – This class teaches methods of tapping into Spirit, universal consciousness and science to get accurate answers to any questions asked in integrity. It gives the ability to measure the truth of a book on a scale of 1 to 10 it can help determine which supplements may be best for you at a given time. You will learn techniques to make informed decisions on issues quickly and easily. You will learn to measure the level of truth with many things.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) – Learn how mindfulness has been shown in many studies to help with chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and sleep. To name a few benefits, it has been shown to boost the immune system, improve structures of the brain associated with memory learning and executive function.

EFT – In our Emotional Freedom Techniques Class, or EFT (often known as Tapping or EFT Tapping), you will learn the universal healing tool that can provide impressive results for physical, emotional, and performance issues. EFT operates on the premise that no matter what part of your life needs improvement, there are unresolved emotional issues in the way.

Reflexology – Reflexology, or zone therapy, is an alternative medicine involving the physical act of applying pressure to the feet, hands, or ears with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion. It is based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands. You will learn that Relexology affects a physical change to the body and can be used on everyone.

Dis-Ease – The term dis-ease is used by individuals and healing communities who are aligned with wellness, choosing not, it will be the intent to empower health issues by focusing on a particular ailment. In this class he intent is to place emphasis on the natural state of “ease” being imbalanced or disrupted.


Food as Medicine – Proper choice of foods can easily act as medicine for your body. Learn which foods have medicinal properties for a variety of common ailments.

Creative Writing – Creative writing classes allow one to express themselves safely, openly and about the subjects that trigger real passion for the writer. Work with experienced published author/teachers to help you develop your creative writing skills.

Medical Intuition – By learning to be a medical intuitive, you will be able to become an alternative medicine practitioner who uses self-described intuitive abilities to find the cause of a physical or emotional condition. Other terms for this practice include medical clairvoyant, medical psychic or intuitive counselor.

Working With The Angels – Angels are Beings of Light that are messengers of God that love assisting us in every area of our lives. In this class you will learn how to connect and work closely with them as they help, uplift, encourage and comfort us when we are in need.

Oracle Cards – Oracle cards and wisdom cards are a modern version of tarot cards. By learning to read oracle cards, you will be joining people across the centuries to find meaningful answers to questions about their lives, spiritual path and future. Oracle cards are a useful tool for anyone who is a spiritual seeker.

Herbal Medicine – These classes will teach you the use of plants for medicinal purposes, and the study of such use. Plants have been the basis for medical treatments through much of human history, and such traditional medicine is still widely practiced today.

The Clairs – This class is intended to educate the student on the six main different ways to tune into intuitive guidance. They are Clairvoyance (clear seeing), Clairaudience (clear hearing), Clairsentience (clear feeling), Claircognizance (clear knowing), Clairgustance (clear tasting) and Clairalience (clear smelling).

Native American Healing Techniques – Native American Healing classes explore Shamanism, medicine wheels, dreamwork and other modalities used by Native Americans.

Limiting Beliefs – Limiting beliefs are those which constrain us in some way. Just by believing them, even though we may not intentionally do so, we allow these beliefs to inhibit our lives. In this class, learn to dissolve these limitations.


Spiritual Philosophies – Spiritual philosophy is a generic term for any philosophy or teaching that pertains to spirituality and spiritual realities. It will incorporate religious or esoteric themes. You will learn this and much more during this class.

Remote Viewing – Learn to see what is in a sealed envelope in another room by using skills you will learn in class. Develop your ESP and intuition to a higher level.


Karuna Reiki– This is a class defined as a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as “compassionate action.”  It is believed that wisdom is also required in the application of this healing modality.


Intro to Energy – You will be taught how to restructure chakras, integrate the physical, emotional and spiritual energy body, the transmission of essence and more.


Breathwork – These classes are comprised of a variety of stand-alone breathing techniques, as well as breathing techniques that are integral to many other mind body practices, like qigong, tai chi, yoga and many energy healing modalities.

Connecting With Spirit Guides – In these classes you will be taught to meet your spirit guides and learn to trust what you hear from them whether it comes from automatic writing or just appears as a thought or sound.

Family Constellations – Family Constellations work is designed for people interested in resolving life issues and looking to find a solid foundation for new direction in their lives. It is a highly effective way of healing on a deeply felt energetic level, with long-term and often life changing results. The main focus of family constellation is revealing the hidden dynamics in a family or relationship so they can be worked with and healed.  Family Constellations is a therapeutic method which draws on elements of family systems therapy, existential phenomenology and Zulu attitudes to family. In a single session, a Family Constellation attempts to reveal a previously unrecognized systemic dynamic that spans multiple generations in a given family and to resolve the deleterious effects of that dynamic by encouraging the subject to accept the factual reality of the past.

Spiritual Philosophies – This class provides an overview of the definitions and descriptions of the major religions or spiritual philosphies of the world.  This overview will provide a better understanding and the historical significance of the major religions or practices.

Intuitive Painting – These classes usually involve beginning with a meditation to connect with your Inner Self or Higher Self and then in a quiet, comfortable space, move paint with fingers, utensils, cloths, etc. expressing the feelings of that deep connection without attempting to create any specific object or scene.  Many are amazed at the beauty and/or significance of the paintings as they created from one’s deeper consciousness.

Feng Shui – These classes teach a  Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment. The term feng shui literally translates as “wind-water” in English.  The feng shui practice discusses architecture in metaphoric terms of “invisible forces” that bind the universe, earth, and man together, known as qi.  Historically, feng shui was widely used to orient buildings—often spiritually significant structures such as tombs, but also dwellings and other structures—in an auspicious manner. Today feng shui is used for orienting furniture, plants and other objects in homes and offices to enhance harmony with the universe.

Vision Boards – Vision Boards classes involve the individually creative process of building a visual board of your goals and dreams and even the steps that it may take to make them possible.  A vision board is a visual representation of your aspirations. It is created by making a collage of inspiring pictures, motivating quotes, personal affirmations, and powerful words from magazines and other sources. To that collage you add personal photos, decorative lettering, and other enhancements to personalize your board.

Dreamwork – Dreamwork classes help one to learn to understand their dreams.  From learning to journal them, understand metaphorical references and archetypal significance, one can derive much more information from his or her dreams.

Hahn Foundation Mindup – MindUP™ is the evidenced based, CASEL accredited social and emotional literacy program of The Hawn Foundation built upon neuroscience, positive psychology, mindful awareness training and optimism. With an implementation model designed for sustainable success that includes a five point plan, the MindUP™ tools and strategies increase focus, improve academics and create happiness and resiliency in children.

Applied Kinesiology – Applied Kinesiology is sometimes called muscle testing.  In this class you will learn to be able to tap into a fundamental physical response that can give you a yes or no answer to most questions.  This is based upon the research of David Hawkins, M.D, Ph.D., and his bestselling book Power vs Force.

 Law of Attraction – The law of attraction is the name given to the belief that “like attracts like” and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from “pure energy”, and the belief that like energy attracts like energy.  Also, many believe that where your thoughts dwell determines the resonance that one projects into the universe and attracts a similar vibration of future results.

Crystals – A crystal or crystalline solid is a solid material whose constituent atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in an ordered pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions. In addition crystals have been used for thousands of years in many religious and spiritual practices, believed to have power, consciousness and memory.  Crystals classes teach identification, uses, traditional healing practices and much more about these very varied objects of beauty and facination.

Professional Readings – These classes cover both the professional standards and integrity, individual protection, significant practice with different types of readings and best practices for readers.  This will help you be on your way to giving high-value, high-integrity readings as a professional.

Student Intuitive Faire – This Faire presents an opportunity for intutive students to have to opportunity to practice on different members of the community who pay a discounted price to come and have readings from advanced students.  Students get to gain valuable experience and guidance from teachers while delivering a valuable service to the community.

Scrying – Scrying is the practice of looking into a translucent ball or other material with the belief that things can be seen, such as spiritual visions, or past, present or future events.  The most common media used are reflective, translucent, or luminescent substances such as crystals, stones, glass, mirrors, water, fire, or smoke.  Scrying is actively used by many cultures and belief systems and is not limited to one tradition or ideology.

Telekinesis – Telekinesis or Psychokinesis, meaning “mind movement” in Greek, is a psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction, i.e. moving a physical object or levitating the object.

Akashic Records – Alice A. Bailey wrote in her book Light of the Soul on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Book 3 – Union achieved and its Results:  “The akashic record is like an immense photographic film, registering all the desires and earth experiences of our planet. Those who perceive it will see pictured thereon: The life experiences of every human being since time began, the reactions to experience of the entire animal kingdom, the aggregation of the thought-forms of a karmic nature (based on desire) of every human unit throughout time. Herein lies the great deception of the records. Only a trained occultist can distinguish between actual experience and those astral pictures created by imagination and keen desire.”  These classes teach one to learn to access this vital information.

Psychometry – Psychometry is translated from the Greek, meaning “soul or spirit measure.”  Psychometry is the art of obtaining information from the energy of an object, usually for the purpose of giving someone relevant information in a psychic reading.  These classes teach one in an experiential mannner to develop this art or skill.

IChing – The I Ching, also known as the Classic of Changes, Book of Changes, Zhouyi and Yijing, is one of the oldest of the Chinese classic texts. The book contains a divination system comparable to Western geomancy or the West African Ifá system; in Western cultures and modern East Asia, it is still widely used for this purpose.  Traditionally, the I Ching and its hexagrams trace back to the 3rd and 2nd millennia.  This class teaches the usage of the book and how to create and read its fundamental hexagrams.

Past Life Regression – Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations.  This is done for the spiritual experience, the understanding that can occur that explains present circumstances, etc.   These classes allow the students to experience the past life regression in a group setting.


Metaphysical Concepts & Terminology – This class provides the newcomer to metaphysics an introduction to many of the concepts and terms that will assist one in understanding the broad array of metaphysical modalities, practices and beliefs.

Self-Care for Healers – As healers, we have our own unique needs for self care. Our work, which is expansive and giving, also requires that we take care of ourselves. Ultimately this moves us to heal the healer within. The challenges that clients bring to us are often reflected in ourselves. this creates both the opportunity and the challenge to continue our personal work.  This class will explore several facets of self care for the healer. Explore how clients offer us challenges and gifts– physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically and spiritually—and ways we might support ourselves in healing by facilitating change within ourselves at different levels of consciousness.

The Professional Healer – This class addresses the challenges of becoming a true professional, one with ethics, who is organized, who presents themselves to clients to the best of his/her ability, and understands that clients always have a choice where they give their business.  Learn to understand the unique challenges of being a professional practitioner and what is expected of you.  Review sample business forms such as releases that may be helpful.  Be prepared to be a Professional Healer.


Shamanism Fundamentals


This intro class will explore the definition of shamanism, origination and history. An introduction of techniques, tools and Peruvian (Quechua) terminology and building your mesa (alter). Completion of this class will allow the student to continue to Intermediate Class certification. This class will teach students the tools needed do energy work on self. Class includes: Pendulum usage, Journeying, Three Worlds, Protection and Clearing


Pre-requisite is taking the Shamanism Fundamentals Beginning Class

This intermediate class continues the fundamental knowledge of understanding shamanism. This course will offer ethics, reciprocity, usage of crystals and defining fire ceremonies, discuss the healer’s rites, guides and alters.